Author Topic: What are Top 3 Strategies to Win in Online World ?  (Read 2713 times)


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What are Top 3 Strategies to Win in Online World ?
« on: June 11, 2016, 09:49:11 AM »
As consumer habits and demand evolve?, note the Global Consumer Discretionary team, ?online retail sales should continue growing at a rate faster than traditional store-based retailing? global online retail sales are forecasted to grow at a ~15% CAGR, resulting in ~10% sales penetration by 2020? forcing traditional retailers to innovate and evolve or be left behind.

The top 3 strategies retailers are using to win in an online world are: 1) leveraging the store footprint; 2) enhancing distribution centers and the supply chain; & 3) offering competitive shipping solutions? based on the number of companies pursuing these strategies, there is general progress being made; the majority of retailers view this as a priority, with some retailers further along than others?.