Indian Government Must allocate More 3G Spectrum

Along with relatively inferior 3G spectrum, high population density in India and relatively less amount of spectrum with each operator is also likely to necessitate higher number of towers. Indian telecom operators own very low amount of 3G spectrum, resulting in a need for higher number of towers due to spectrum scarcity. Telecom operators in India have an average spectrum of 5-6MHz – about only 1/4th of the international average of 22MHz. Low spectrum availability in India is concomitant with high usage. MOUs in India are amongst the highest globally.

For example, MOUs in the UK, Spain, Germany and Italy are around 100-200 minutes, while in India, it is above 300 minutes. Hence, networks are congested. The operators need more towers to provide good quality service.

With 1800MHz Spectrum Won in Spectrum Auction being Technology Neutral, Operators must make the best use of the same and deploy Data Services on the Same. Also Government must Auction another 5MHz in 2100Mhz Band to enhance existing 3G services.